



I am a Luciferian, I have been studying in the occult for many years and I have been practicing magic and meditation intensively. I believe that all human beings have to ascend through darkness and then finally reach light, wisdom and illumination...

As a Luciferian, I do not believe nor bow before any God(s). My opinion is that you should be the embodiment of your own deities and try to over-stimulate your life by representing yourself as a deific being. You are free to try and taste whatever please you and evolve through your experiences.

"Everything is Dark Deep...
Still And Ever"

My favorite place to journey is my mind, I like to experience dark concepts of the reality like depression, death, nihilism, void, there is an unexplanable beauty in the darkness, sometimes it is lonely and intense but also dreamy and redemptive. This is the purpose of this channel, my favorite musical genre is Black Metal but in here, you will be feeling the "Dreamy" yet cold aspects of the innevitable loneliness of the human being. 


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Fresh Boarder

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  • Tétanisante inertie
    28.05.2020 12:18
    procrastination ?
  • Larme...
    28.05.2020 12:17
    je pense que je voulais dire un truc spéciale... caché... intrigant :-)
  • Larme...
    28.05.2020 12:15
    bah en fait je ne sais même plus ce que voulais dire !! lol :-) en tous cas attristés prend ées :-)
  • Haïku doré
    26.09.2012 16:01
    Bon Jour, Ciel, Si je puis me permettre, en toute amitié: 5/7/5 Vaste champ d'épis - Mot de saison ...
  • Lettre par Aurore Dupin
    23.09.2012 10:27
    aurore Dupin est le vrai nom de George Sand, elle a envoyé cette lettre à Alfred de Musset... je vous ...